1B1: DoD Automatic Test Systems Executive Plenary Panel
10:15 AM - 12:00 noon
Maryland A

This year’s DoD Automatic Test Systems Executive Plenary Session will be a Panel of senior military Service and F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) ATS leaders representing the major DoD ATS acquisition programs. The Panel members will summarize Service and F-35 JPO on-going and future ATS acquisition and sustainment initiatives, ATS policies, program strategies, and current and future ATS challenges.

Panel Moderator:
Bill Ross - US Navy NAVAIRSYSCOM (DoD ATS ED Office)


  • Mr. Pat Curry – U.S. Army
  • Mr. Derwin “DEX” Hansard – U.S. Navy
  • Mr. Tom Bradford – U.S. Ground Marine Corps
  • Mr. George Tribble – U.S. Air Force
  • Mr. Dave Inferrera – F-35 JPO


1D1: Trend in ATE and Instrumentation Plenary Panel
Tuesday, 27 August
4:30 PM- 6:00 PM
Maryland A
Session Chair: Rick Nelson

Purpose: The Trends in ATE and Instrumentation panel will discuss some of the new trends and emerging technologies occurring within ATE and instrumentation. These topics will include expanded use of FPGAs, digital transformation of analog capabilities, and interface trends. The interface discussion will include trends in interfacing for high speed serial digital, high frequency RF, and fiber optics. The panel will also discuss advancements in RF test equipment for ATE applications, including phase noise measurement improvements and impacts of semi-conductor technologies on RF Signal Generators.


  • Mike Dewey - Marvin Test
  •  Nick Butler - National Instruments
  •  Kevin Leduc - Virginia Panel Corp.
  •  Mike Sullivan - Teradyne
  •  Keith Andrews - Rohde-Schwarz
  • Bob Twiggs - In-Phase Technologies 
  •  Steve McHugh - SBIR

2A1: Cyber Security
Wednesday, 28 August
Plenary Panel
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Title: Cyber Security, Resiliency, and Information Assurance

Purpose: The purpose of this panel is to discuss Cyber Security and Resiliency in systems. Our industry has been predominately focused on Cyber Security and we know our adversaries can penetrate our systems. An overview of Cyber will be presented and how it relates to security, resilience, and anti-tamper. Attack vectors and some vulnerabilities will be discussed and how it compromises test equipment and systems. The panel will also provide an overview of some of the existing security standards and documents along with some emerging standards. The human elements will be examined including system design, interfaces, and biometrics controls. Some best practices will be discussed. Looking forward, future cyber compliance will be discussed including the supply chain, maintainers, and other standpoints.

Panel Moderator:
Josh Edmison - Northrop Grumman

• Patrick Lardieri - Lockheed Martin
• James Orlet - Boeing
• Ty Verougstraete - BAE
• Mike Webb - USMC
• Jimmy Bailey - USAF

3A1: TPS Development Panel
Thursday, 29 August
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
National Harbor 10
Session Chair: Joe Cuccaro (US Army, USA)

TPS Development for Emerging System and Sustainment

The TPS Development Panel will discuss the TPS/ATE requirements and needs for new and emerging systems that require test applications. Changes and challenges in the TPS arena will be discussed including technological and managerial issues. ATE System improvements consisting of Controllers, RF Capability, Windows10, and other items will be discussed. The ATE/TPS Programming Environments will be summarized and the use of Standards discussed.

Panel Moderator:
Joseph A Cuccaro - US Army


  • Tony Conard and Tim Davis – US Navy
  • Scott K. Kautzmann– US Army
  • Richard L. Foyt and Josselyn Webb – US Marines
  • Larry Adams – US Air Force
  • Malcolm Brown – MoD